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Binding (linking) telegram bot notifications

Binding (linking) instructions:

  1. Find a bot with a name in telegram @BotFather
  2. Write him /start
  3. Write him /newbot
  4. Write him bot name (For example "Notifications from the galaxy")(This can be changed)
  5. Write him the bot ID. English + must end with a word bot. For example MyGalaxyNotificatorBot
  6. If everything went well, you will receive a response from the bot containing the bot token. It looks something like this: 123456789:AAAa_aaaaaaaaa12aaaaaaaaa.
  7. Find a bot through the search. In this case, we are looking for MyGalaxyNotificatorBot or "Notifications from the galaxy"
  8. We send him /start. This is required to allow the bot to send you private messages.
  9. Copy the token received in the 6th step and paste it into the field above.

If everything went well, the bot will write you a message, and this window will close automatically.

balance top-up USDT TRC-20

Transfer any amount of USDT TRC-20 from your wallet to


The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Please be careful, transactions for changing the password or topping up the balance that are sent from another address will not be processed.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

balance top-up BNB BEP-20

Transfer any amount of BNB BEP-20 from your wallet to


The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Будьте внимательны, транзакции для смены пароля или пополнения баланса отправленные с другого адреса не будут обработаны.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

balance top-up USDT TRC-20

Transfer any amount of USDT TRC-20 from your wallet to


The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Please be careful, transactions for changing the password or topping up the balance that are sent from another address will not be processed.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

balance top-up EVER

Transfer any amount of EVER from your wallet to


The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Please be careful, transactions for changing the password or topping up the balance that are sent from another address will not be processed.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

balance top-up LONG

Transfer any amount of LONG from your wallet to

The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

balance top-up NEAR

Transfer any amount of NEAR from your wallet to


The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Transfer any amount of Aurora from your wallet to

Open Near wallet with the pre-entered wallet address.Then select the AURORA token AURORA.

The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

balance top-up

Transfer any amount of from your wallet to


The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Please be careful, transactions for changing the password or topping up the balance that are sent from another address will not be processed.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Transfer any amount of PARAS from your wallet to

Open Near wallet with the pre-entered wallet address.Then select the AURORA token PARAS.

The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

balance top-up

Transfer any amount of from your wallet to

Или пополните баланс с вашего кошелька TonKeeper

The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Будьте внимательны, отправленные с другого адреса, не будут обработаны.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

balance top-up

Transfer any amount of from your wallet to

Или пополните баланс с вашего кошелька TonKeeper

The funds will be credited to your game balance within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! This account is linked to wallet .
Будьте внимательны, транзакции, отправленные с другого адреса, не будут обработаны.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal BIP

Funds available: 0 BIP
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

You can buy BIP in the store or top up your wallet.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal TRX

Funds available: 0 TRX
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

You can buy TRX in the store or top up your wallet.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal USDT TRC-20

Funds available: 0 USDT TRC-20
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

IMPORTANT! Withdrawal requires 10 TRX to pay the transaction fee. After the withdrawal, the remainder will be returned to your balance within 5 minutes.

You can buy TRX in the store or top up your wallet.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal USDT TRC-20

Funds available: 0 USDT TRC-20.
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

Funds withdrawal EVER

Funds available: 0 EVER
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

IMPORTANT! You can withdraw EVER only to an activated Everscale wallet.

You can buy EVER in the store or top up your wallet.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal LONG

Funds available: 0 LONG
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

You can buy LONG in the store or top up your wallet.

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal BNB

Funds available: 0 BNB
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal NEAR

Funds available: 0 NEAR
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal Aurora

Funds available: 0 Aurora
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes:

Funds withdrawal DEL

Funds available: 0 Del
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes

For help please contact us on Telegram:

Funds withdrawal Paras

Funds available: 0 PARAS
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes:

Funds withdrawal TON

Funds available: 0 TON
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes:

Внимание! Комиссия за вывод TON будет списана с вашего баланса.

Funds withdrawal GLX

Funds available: 0 GLX
The funds will be transferred to your wallet in a few minutes:

Внимание! Комиссия за вывод GLX будет списана с вашего баланса TON.

Race: Минтер Галактик: 6 Планет и звезд: 28 839
Race: Трон Галактик: 4 Планет и звезд: 28 413
Race: Everscale Галактик: 3 Планет и звезд: 27 111


Log in with Telegram
Important! Регистрация/Авторизация происходит через Telegram API или NEAR ID в несколько кликов. Вы можете иметь несколько игровых аккаунтов (по одному в каждой расе), которые будут привязаны к вашему Telegram-аккаунту или NEAR ID.
Твинководство (более 1 аккаунта в одной расе) запрещено

Your game accounts

Race Username Galaxy  
Choose a race to start the game:

Войдите старым способом (под вашим кошельком Minter или Tron) и привяжите игровой аккаунт к телеграму.

Привязка отобразится сразу при входе Забыли пароль?

Регистрация аккаунта в новой Галактике

Crate of Ancient Artifacts



Отсканируй QR-код или перейди по ссылке, что бы оплатить через TonKeeper
Проверка оплаты

Проверяем что транзакция прошла успешно


Отсканируй QR-код для авторизации

Rules of the game

How to play:

The goal of the Arena is to score as many points as possible by destroying the enemy fleet within the allotted time.
Players see each other's movements on the map. Green tracers are allies, orange tracers are enemies, red tracers are enemy attacks on you, and blue tracers are their fleet movements.

At the end of the Arena, points will be automatically calculated and only the players of the winning team will share the prize in proportion to the points scored.

How the Arena fights go:

The Arena begins with the player entering the Arena Galaxy, where they control one of the thousands of planets with an Orbital Station on it.
The player's Orbital Station hosts his fleet and it is from it that the player will send attacks and blockades to other planets.
Not only the size of the fleet is important, but modifications in the form of modules also matter. With their help, the fleet can be further improved, making the armor stronger, the damage of the guns more, and the speed of movement faster. Initially, the player does not have modules and needs to scout the surrounding planets, sending ships to capture the resources stored there.


Loki Scout

Has a small margin of safety and low damage. It mainly serves for reconnaissance of planets and enemy fleets. In combat, it is effective only in especially large sizes.

Excaliber Stormtrooper

A universal warship. It has average armor and damage, which makes it an ideal candidate for any type of modules.

Colonizer Titan

A huge ship that prepares planets for the transfer of the Orbital Station. It has the highest armor and damage and the lowest speed. The Titan is the only ship that cannot be stopped once it has been dispatched.


There are 7 different types of planets in the Arena, 3 different sizes.
Each planet initially has a defensive fleet and a reward consisting of ships and modules. Also, the reward with a small chance may contain "Titan".
The size of the guard fleet and the reward depends on the type and size of the planet, for example, green planets are the most common and you can rarely find a big reward on them, while on purple planets, on the contrary, there is almost always a big reward, which includes a lot of ships and from 3 modules .
But you should be careful, because on the purple planets, you may have to fight not only with Pirates, but also with players who also want to get to her treasures.

How to get rewards on planets:

As mentioned above, every planet has a defensive fleet, so it's best to scout initially to see the defensive fleet and rewards that can be obtained on the planet.
After that, you need to send the ships to the blockade, defeat the Pirate fleet and hold out on the planet until the timer expires.
When the timer runs out, the reward fleet will join the blockade fleet and, together with the captured modules, they will fly to the planet where the Orbital Station is currently located.
It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the Titan, capturing the planet, also instantly captures the reward on the planet and destroys the defensive fleet. However, at the same time, the Titan dies (it is a disposable ship).


Modules can be found on planets as a reward. Each module has 1, 2 or all three characteristics that increase attack, defense or speed.

Modules come in 3 types of rarity:
  • Regular - module level 30.
  • Rare - module level 70.
  • Very rare - module level 100.

All modules in the Arena are disposable and will be destroyed after the fleet returns to the Orbital Station, regardless of whether it participated in the battle or not.

Limits for sending a fleet:
  • Simultaneous number of fleets in space - 5
  • Simultaneous number of blockades - 3
  • Simultaneous number of explorations - 1
  • Simultaneous number of sent Titans - 1

Tournament rules

As part of the Blockchain Battle game mode, battles take place in the format of 10 vs 10 team battles.
Registration in the Arena is available for DEL and TON tokens.
After the registration of 20 players, the players are automatically assigned to teams and after 60 seconds the battle begins.

At the end of the Arena, the team with the most rating and efficiency points wins.

A player receives a rating for fighting with the players of the enemy team, in the format of attack, blockade and reconnaissance.
An additional rating by a coefficient of 0.3 the player receives for the fleet remaining at the Orbital Station at the end of the battle.

Efficiency is displayed in brackets "( )" next to the rating of the player and team and displays the difference between the killed and lost ships. As a result of the battle, the efficiency is higher than one (1+) - an excellent result, which shows that the player effectively fought with opponents and destroyed more ships than he lost. This result should be strived for in order to bring victory for yourself and your team.

  • Use modules to defend if your fleet is larger than the enemy fleet.
  • Try to scout the enemy fleet before attacking.
  • Use weak modules to fight pirates, save strong modules to fight players.
  • Choose the right moment to fight other players, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to retreat.
  • If you're cornered - don't let your Station be attacked - counterattack the enemy fleet or move the orbital station.